

1 šalica brašna

1 žličica praška za pecivo

Prstohvat soli

½ šalice omekšalog maslaca

1 ¼ šalica šećera

10 dag otopljene čokolade

½ šalice kiselog vrhnja

2 jaja

½ šalice vrele vode

Naribana narančina kora


1 šalica šećera

1 vanilin šećer

¼ šalice vode

2 žl narančinog soka

2 bjelanjka


150 g čokolade

2 žl šećera

50 g maslaca

2 žl narančinog soka


Brašno prosijte sa solju i praškom.

Pjenasto umutite maslac sa šećerom, dodajte otopljenu čokoladu, kiselo vrhnje i jedno po jedno jaje. Umiješajte brašno i – na kraju – vruću vodu.

Pecite u pobrašnjenom plehu na 180 stupnjeva 25 minuta.

U međuvremenu pripremite nadjev. Pomiješajte šećer,  vanilin šećer i vodu i stavite kuhati na laganu vatru dok se šećer ne otopi. Prohladite.

Bjelanjke tucite mikserom, dodajte sok naranče. Kad  nastane čvrsti snijeg, smanjite brzinu i u tankom mlazu ulijte otopljeni šećer.

Premažite preko čokoladnog tijesta, smanjite pećnicu na 150 i pecite još 7-10 minuta.

Sastojke za glazuru otopite na laganoj vatri pa prelijte po kolaču. Ohladite.



For the dough:
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt
½ cup butter, softened
1 ¼ cup sugar
10 dag chocolate, melted
½ cup sour cream
2 eggs
½ cup hot water
grated orange zest
For the filling:
1 cup sugar
1 pouch vanilla sugar
¼ cup water
2 tbsp orange juice
2 egg whites
For the glaze:
150 g chocolate
2 tbsp sugar
50 g butter
2 tbsp orange juice


Sift the flour, salt and baking powder.
Beat the butter and sugar until foamy. Add the melted chocolate, sour cream and eggs (one by one). Mix in the flour and, at the very end, hot water.
Bake at 180 °C on a tin dusted with flour for 25 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Cook the sugar, vanilla sugar and water over low heat until the sugar has dissolved. Leave to cool.
Beat the egg whites with a mixer. Add the orange juice and beat until stiff peaks form. Reduce the speed and add the dissolved sugar very slowly, mixing constantly.
Brush over the chocolate crust, reduce the oven heat to 150 °C and bake for another 7-10 minutes.
Cook the ingredients for the glaze over low heat. Pour over the cake and leave to cool.