
5 kg okruglih paprika

3 kg svježeg kupusa, naribanog

3 l alkoholnog octa

3 l vode

Papar u zrnu



Paprikama odrežite kapice i očistite ih od sjemenki. Operite.

Kupus posolite i ostavite desetak minuta, a zatim ga dobro stisnite rukama. Njime punite paprike, pa ih slažite u oprane i zagrijane staklenke (ja prazne staklenke prije punjenja stavim 10-ak minuta u pećnici zagrijanu na 100 stupnjeva). Slažite paprike red na red, otvorenom stranom prema gore,  dok ne popunite staklenku. Uzmite dvije daščice, ukrižajte ih i njima pritisnite paprike da se ne dignu kad ulijete ocat. Pobacajte i desetak zrna papra u svaku staklenku.  Pomiješajte ocat i vodu i ulijte u staklenku dok ne pokrijete paprike. Zatvorite celofanom i ostavite na hadnom i tamnom mjestu mjesec dana.



5 kg bell peppers
2 kg fresh cabbage, grated
3 l alcohol vinegar
3 l water
pepper corns


Cut out the top parts of the peppers, seed and wash them thoroughly.
Salt the cabbage and leave to rest for about 10 minutes. Squeeze the water out using your hands and use the cabbage to stuff up the peppers. Arrange into clean, pasteurised jars (10 minutes in an oven preheated to 100 °C), with the cabbage facing upwards, one row on top of the other until the jar is filled. Use two crossed sticks to press the peppers downwards lest they should rise when you pour in the vinegar. Combine the vinegar and water and pour into the jar so that the peppers are submerged. Cover with a sheet of cellophane and store in a cold, dry place for a month.