Inačica poznate lorenske pite idealno je rješenje za maleni topli zalogaj kad pripremate zabavu za više gostiju.


(za 15 kom)
1 lisnato tijesto
2 jajeta
400 ml punomasnog kiselog vrhnja
4 – 5 režnjeva mesnate slanine – narezane na sitno
7 dag naribanog sira (npr. gruyere)
½ žličice senfa
sol i papar
muškatni oraščić


Pećnicu zagrijte na 200 °C. 
Jaja istucite sa solju, kiselim vrhnjem, senfom, muškatnim oraščićem i dosta papra.
Lisnato tijesto tanko razvaljajte pa režite krugove veće od oblika za muffine (npr. širokom čašom za pjenušac).
Krugove tijesta utisnite u namašćene kalupiće, nabockajte vilicom i stavite u pećnicu na 7 – 9 minuta. 
Izvadite pa u svaki kalupić stavite malo sjeckane slanine i naribanog sira. 
Smjesu jaja i vrhnja ulijte gotovo do vrha tijesta. 
Smanjite temperaturu na 180 °C i pecite još 20 – 25 min. 
Pečene quicheve ostavite desetak minuta da se hlade u kalupu, a zatim poslužite.


A version of the renowned Quiche Lorraine – ideal as a warm snack in a room full of people


Makes 15
1 package puff pastry
2 eggs
400 ml whole sour milk
4-5 meaty bacon rashers, finely chopped
7 dag grated cheese (e.g., gruyere)
½ teaspoon mustard
salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Beat the eggs, salt, sour cream, mustard, nutmeg, and quite a bit of pepper.
Roll out the puff pastry thinly. Cut into circles larger than your muffin cups (e.g. use a champagne coupe).
Press the circles into the greased muffin cups, pierce with a fork and place into the oven for 7-9 minutes.
Take out of the oven. Fill each with a small amount of the chopped bacon and grated cheese.
Pour over with the egg and cream mixture.
Lower the temperature to 180 °C and bake for another 20-25 minutes.
Leave to rest in the muffin cups for about 10 minutes prior to serving.