Ovu mesnu štrucu pripremam od mljevene puretine ili piletine, ali možete upotrijebiti i drugu vrstu mesa.


500 g mljevenog mesa

1 jaje

1 mala glavica luka, sitno sjeckana

1 crvena paprika, sitno nasjeckana

1 pecivo, namočeno u malo vode

2-3 češnja češnjaka, sitno sjeckana

1 žl pirea od rajčice

Sol, papar

1 šalica krušnih mrvica

50 g ribanog parmezana

3 tvrdo kuhana jaja

3-5 tankih režnjeva mesnate slanine


Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva.

U velikoj zdjeli izmiješajte meso, luk, papriku, češnjak, jaje, rajčicu, omekšalo pecivo i pola količine parmezana. Dobro posolite i popaprite.

Lim za pečenje prekrijte papirom. Pomiješajte preostali parmezan s krušnim mrvicama, polovinom mješavine posipajte papir pa na njemu, u obliku pravokutnika,  rasporedite 1/3 mesne smjese.

Na meso stavite oguljena kuhana jaja i prekrijte ostatkom mesa. Posipajte ga preostalim mrvicama i rukama oblikujte štrucu. Po vrhu rasporedite slaninu.

Pecite 30-40 minuta.



I prepare this meat loaf using ground chicken meat, but you can replace it with any other meat of your choice.


500 g ground meat
1 egg
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 red pepper, finely chopped
1 bun, soaked in a small amount of water
2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp tomato puree
salt and pepper
1 cup breadcrumbs
50 g parmesan, grated
3 eggs, hard-boiled
3-5 rashers meaty bacon, thin


Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
Combine the meat, onion, pepper, garlic, egg, tomato, bun and half the amount of parmesan in a large bowl. Season well with salt and pepper.
Line a baking tin with a sheet of parchment paper. Combine the remaining parmesan with breadcrumbs and sprinkle one half of the mixture over the parchment paper. Use 1/3 of the meat mixture to form a rectangle on top of it.
Place the peeled eggs in the middle and cover with the remaining meat. Sprinkle with the remaining breadcrumbs and form a loaf. Line the top with bacon rashers.
Bake for 30-40 minutes.