
15 dag oštrog brašna
12 dag hladnog maslaca, narezanog na kockice
2 žutanjka
2 žl kiselog vrhnja

1 veliki poriluk (ili 1-2 vezice mladog luka )
1/2 kg  šampinjona
2 žl ulja
2 žl maslaca + 1/2 žl za premaz
2 češnja češnjaka, sitno nasjeckana
Peršinov list, sitno nasjeckan
3 žl kiselog vrhnja
Sol, papar


Od sastojaka za tijesto umijesite glatko tijesto, zamotajte ga u prozirnu foliju i stavite u hladnjak na 30 minuta.

Poriluk narežite na kolutove i lagano pirjajte na 1 žl maslaca i 1 žl ulja. Kad poriluk omekša, posolite, popaprite i maknite s vatre.

Na preostalom ulju i maslacu propirjajte šampinjone. Posolite i popaprite, a na kraju dodajte češnjak i peršin.

Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva C.

Ohlađeno tijesto podijelite na 2 nejednaka dijela. Veći razvaljajte u koru kojom ćete pokriti dno i stjenke kalupa za pite. Prekrijte ga papirom za pečenje, napunite suhim grahom (ili jednostavno pritisnite manjim kalupom) i stavite u pećnicu na 10 min. Izvadite, maknite grah i papir.

Poriluk pomiješajte sa šampinjonima, umiješajte i vrhnje pa time nadjenite koru.

Od ostatka tijesta razvaljajte gornju koru dovoljno veliku da prekrije pitu. Krajeve gornje i donje kore pritisnite vilicom. Pobockajte i gornju koru da bi para imala kuda izaći.

Pitu pecite 30-35 minuta. Vruću pitu premažite odozgo komadićem maslaca.



For the dough:
15 dag pastry flour
12 dag cold butter, diced
2 egg yolks
2 tbsp sour cream
For the stuffing:
1 large leak (or 2 small spring onions)
½ kg brown champignons
2 tbsp oil
2 tbsp butter + 1 tbsp for topping
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
parsley leaves, finely chopped
3 tbsp sour cream
salt and pepper


Use all the ingredients to make smooth dough. Wrap it in a plastic foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Slice the leek into rings and sauté briefly in 1 tbsp butter and 1 tbsp oil. When softened, season with salt and pepper and remove from heat.
Sauté the champignons in the remaining butter and oil. Season with salt and pepper. When done, add the garlic and parsley.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
Cut the chilled dough into 2 different chunks. Roll out the larger piece to the size of the bottom and the sides of the pie tin. Cover with a sheet of baking paper and top with dry beans (or a smaller tin) and bake for 10 minutes. Take it out of the oven and remove the beans and the paper.
Combine the leek with the champignons, add the cream and spread on the crust.
Roll out the remaining dough to a piece large enough to cover the bottom crust. Seal the rim by pressing it with a fork. Prick the top crust with a fork so that the steam could escape.
Bake for 30-35 minutes. Spread the hot pie with butter.