
4 fileta lososa
600 g krumpira za pečenje, oguljenog i narezanog na tanke kriške
1 veća tikvica, narezana na kolutove
1 glavica luka, očišćenog i narezanog na kriškice
10 – 12 koktel rajčica, prepolovljenih (ili 2 – 3 rajčice narezane na četvrtine)
nekoliko češnjeva češnjaka, očišćenih
½ crvene paprike, narezane na trakice
1 mrkva, narezana na tanke kolutove
sol i papar
maslinovo ulje
začini po želji


U dublju zdjelu stavite krumpir i svo ostalo povrće. Dobro posolite, popaprite, začinite po želji, a zatim obilato prelijte maslinovim uljem.
Dobro sve promiješajte (najbolje rukama) da svi začini i ulje prekriju svaki komad povrća.
Ostavite povrće u marinadi dok se pećnica ne ugrije na 180 ⁰C.
Na lim za pečenje veličine pećnice rasporedite pripremljeno povrće. Nemojte ga istresti, jer će vam marinada još trebati, već ga izvadite i rasporedite po limu u tankom sloju.
Stavite u pećnicu na 20 minuta.
Dok se krumpir s povrćem peče, u marinadu stavite komade lososa.
Nakon 20 minuta losos stavite na povrće u limu i prelijte preostalom marinadom.
Pecite još 15-ak minuta dok krumpir i riba nisu pečeni.



4 salmon fillets
600 g baking potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced
1 large zucchini, sliced
1 onion, peeled and sliced
10-12 cherry tomatoes, halved (or 2-3 tomatoes, quartered)
several cloves garlic, peeled
½ red capsicum, sliced in thin strips
1 carrot, sliced thinly
salt and pepper
olive oil
herbs and spices to taste


Combine the vegetables in a deep bowl. Season with salt, pepper, herbs and spices to taste. Splash lavishly with olive oil.
Rub well using your hands until each piece of vegetables is coated with the seasoning and the oil.
Marinate while the oven is preheated to 180 ºC.
Arrange the vegetables on a baking tin of the size of the oven. Do not turn over the vegetable bowl – you will need the remaining marinade – but rather take out the vegetables and arrange them in a thin layer.
Bake for 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, marinate the salmon fillets in the same bowl.
After 20 minutes of baking, arrange the salmon fillets on the vegetables. Pour over with the remaining marinade.
Bake for about 15 more minutes, until the potatoes and fish are done.