Tradicionalni recept s Krete


700 g luka, narezanog na tanke ploške
2 rajčice, nasjeckane
100 g feta sira
1/3 šalice maslinovog ulja

½ kg glatkog brašna
1 šalica vode
1 žlica naribane limunove korice
sok 1 manjeg limuna
4 žlice maslinovog ulja
½ žličice soli

ulje za prženje


Na maslinovom ulju karamelizirajte luk. Pirjajte ga, stalno miješajući, 10-ak minuta da postane lagano smeđ i mekan. Dodajte rajčicu i kuhajte (miješajući povremeno) dok tekućina ne ispari. Maknite s vatre.
U mlako umiješajte razmrvljenu fetu. Dobro promiješajte.
Od svih sastojaka umijesite glatko tijesto. Razvaljajte ga na 3 – 4 mm debljine i okruglim kalupom (ili širom čašom) režite krugove.
Na sredinu svakog kruga stavite žličicu-dvije nadjeva, preklopite i vilicom stisnite rubove.
Pržite u vrućem ulju dok s obje strane ne dobije lijepu zlatnu boju.
Višak masnoće ocijedite na upijajućem papiru i poslužite.


a traditional recipe from Crete


For the filling:
700 g onion, thinly sliced
2 tomatoes, chopped
100 g feta cheese
1/3 cup olive oil

For the dough:
½ kg plain flour
1 cup water
1 tbsp grated lemon zest
juice of 1 small lemon
4 tbsp olive oil
½ teaspoon salt

frying oil


Caramelise the onion in olive oil. Sauté stirring constantly for about 10 minutes, until lightly brown and soft. Add the tomatoes and cook (stirring occasionally) until the liquid evaporates. Remove from heat.
When lukewarm, add the crumbled feta cheese. Stir well.
Combine the ingredients to make smooth dough. Roll it out until 3-4 mm thick. Use a round mould (or a wide glass) to cut out circles.
Place 1-2 teaspoons of the filling in the centre of each circle. Fold the dough and press the rim with a fork.
Fry in hot oil until nicely golden on both sides.
Place on paper towels to drain excess fat prior to serving.