
100 g mljevenog keksa
80 g rastopljenog maslaca
200 g borovnica
4 žlice kristal šećera
1 žličica cimeta
250 g sira mascarpone
3 – 4 žlice šećera u prahu
400 ml slatkog vrhnja
20 g instant želatine


Kekse pomiješajte s rastopljenim maslacem i utisnite po dnu kalupa za tortu.
Borovnice pomiješajte s kristal šećerom i cimetom i kuhajte na laganoj vatri dok se šećer ne rastopi i voće ne pusti sok. Ohladite.
Sir pomiješajte sa šećerom u prahu. Umiješajte i ohlađene borovnice da dobijete jednoličnu smjesu.
200 ml slatkog vrhnja tucite mikserom 30 sekundi, a zatim dodajte instant želatinu. Tucite dok se ne počne stiskati.
Tako pripremljeno slatko vrhnje dodajte smjesi sira i borovnica i lagano ga umiješajte lopaticom.
Kremom nadjenite pripremljeni kalup s korom od keksa. Stavite u hladnjak.
Istucite preostalo slatko vrhnje pa ga premažite po torti. Ukrasite borovnicama.
Ohladite 3 – 4 sata prije posluživanja.

By | Srpanj 25th, 2016|Deserti, Hrana, Torte|0 Comments



100 g biscuits, crushed
80 g butter, melted
200 g blueberries
4 tbsp granulated sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
250 g mascarpone cheese
3-4 tbsp icing sugar
400 ml sweet cream
20 g instant gelatine


Combine the biscuits with melted butter. Press against the bottom of a cake tin.
Combine the blueberries with granulated sugar and cinnamon. Cook over low heat until the sugar melts and the fruit releases its juice. Leave to cool.
Combine the cheese with icing sugar. Stir in the blueberries until uniform.
Beat half the amount of cream with a mixer for 30 seconds. Add the instant gelatine and beat until the mixture starts to thicken.
Stir into the cheese and blueberry mixture gently, using a spatula.
Pour over the biscuit crust and refrigerate.
Beat the remaining sweet cream, spread over the cake and decorate with additional blueberries.
Refrigerate for 3 to 4 hours prior to serving.

By | Srpanj 25th, 2016|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|0 Comments