
1 lisnato tijesto (500g)

3 žutanjka

3 šalice mlijeka

½ šalice šećera

1/3 šalice škrobnog brašna

Sjemenke 1 mahune vanilije (ili 1 žl ekstrakta od vanilije)

500 g jagoda

1 žl + 2 žl  šećera u prahu

250 ml slatkog vrhnja


Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva.

Lisnato tijesto razvaljajte u 3 jednake kore. Pecite ih 10-15 min na preokrenutom limu. Ohladite.

Žutanjke izmiješajte s mlijekom.Vaniliju raspolovite, izdubite sjemenke i dodajte ih u mijeko.  Posebno pomiješajte šećer i škrobno brašno pa im lagano dodajte mlijeko i žutanjke. Miješajte dok ne dobijete jednoličnu smjesu. Stavite na laganu vatru i kuhajte, stalno miješajući, dok se krema ne zgusne poput pudinga. Maknite s vatre, prekrijte plastičnom folijom i pustite da se ohladi.

Jagode narežite na kriške i pospite žlicom šećera u prahu.

Slatko vrhnje s preostalim šećerom istucite u šlag.

Složite kolač: prvu koru premažite kremom pa po njoj poslažite jagode. Prekrijte drugom korom, premažite je kremom, stavite jagode. Posljednju koru premažite šlagom.

Kolač prije posluživanja ostavite u hladnjaku bar 3 sata.



1 package puff pastry (500 g)
3 egg yolks
3 cups milk
½ cup sugar
1/3 cup starch
seeds from 1 vanilla pod (or 1 tbsp vanilla extract)
500 g strawberries
1 tbsp + 2 tbsp icing sugar
250 ml sweet cream


Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

Roll out the puff pastry making 3 equal squares. Bake them for 10-15 min on an upside-down tin. Leave to cool.

Beat the egg yolks with milk. Slice the vanilla pod lengthwise, scrap the seeds and add them to the milk.

Combine the sugar and starch in a separate bowl. Stir them slowly into the milk. Mix until uniform. Place over low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thick as a pudding. Remove from heat, cover with plastic foil and leave to cool.

Slice the strawberries and sprinkle with a tablespoon of icing sugar.

Beat the sweet cream and the remaining icing sugar until the cream is whipped.

To arrange the pastry: Line the first pastry square with the crème and top with strawberries. Cover with the second pastry, line with the crème and top with strawberries. Place the third pastry and decorate with whipped cream.
Refrigerate for at least 3 hours prior to serving.