Prema receptu Cindy Nielson Farr s bloga Tropical life, food and fun


2 šalice usitnjenih keksa
60 – 100 g otopljenog maslaca

230 g krem sira
400 g kondenziranog mlijeka
3 bjelanjka
½ šalice soka limete (3 – 4 iscijeđene limete)
3 – 5 žlica šećera u prahu (ovisno o slatkoći kondenziranog mlijeka)


tučeno slatko vrhnje (za ukras)


Pećnicu zagrijte na 160 °C.
Kekse pomiješajte s otopljenim maslacom pa ih rasporedite po dnu i rubu kalupa za pite. Dobro natiskajte da dobijete kompaktnu koru.
Pecite 8 – 10 minuta.
U međuvremenu napravite nadjev.
Mikserom kratko istucite krem sir. Dodajte kondenzirano mlijeko i dobro izmiksajte. Dodajte bjelanjke i ponovno miksajte da se krema izjednači. Na kraju dodajte sok od limete i šećer po ukusu. Izjednačite smjesu pa je ulijte u pripremljenu koru.
Vratite u pećnicu na 10 minuta da se nadjev stisne. Izvadite iz pećnice i ostavite da se ohladi.
Ohlađenu pitu stavite u hladnjak na nekoliko sati.
Prije posluživanja ukrasite tučenim slatkim vrhnjem.


Inspired by a recipe by Cindy Nielson Farr, available at her Tropical Life, Food and Fun blog


For the crust:
2 cups crumbled biscuits
60 -100 g butter, melted

For the filling:
230 g cream cheese
400 g condensed milk
3 egg whites
½ cup lime juice (3-4 limes)
3-5 tbsp icing sugar (depending on the sweetness of the condensed milk)


whipped cream


Preheat the oven to 160 °C.
Combine the biscuits with the melted butter. Arrange to cover the bottom and sides of a pie tin, pressing firmly to make the crust.
Bake for 8-10 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling.
Beat the cream cheese briefly with a mixer. Add the condensed milk and beat well. Add the egg whites and beat until consistent. Add the lime juice and sugar to taste. Beat until uniform. Pour into the prepared crust.
Bake for 10 minutes, until the filling is firm. Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
Refrigerate for several hours.
Decorate with whipped cream prior to serving.