Za razliku od lososovog fileta, kost, rep i glavu možete u ribarnici dobiti za svega nekoliko kuna, a jelom će i dalje dominirati – okus lososa.


½ kg lososovog repa i kosti
1 manja glavica luka
1 svježa rajčica
1 list lovora
10 zrna crnog papra
1 žličica soli
40 dag povrća za juhu (žuta i crvena mrkva, korijen peršina i celera, krumpir)
80 g riže
1 žlica maslinovog ulja


Ribu očistite od krljušti. Povrće ogulite.
Posolite 2 l vode, dodajte luk, rajčicu, lovorov list i papar i pustite da provri.
Smanjite vatru, dodajte ribu i kuhajte nekoliko minuta, dok se meso ne počne odvajati od kosti.
Procijedite, ribu odložite, rajčicu propasirajte u juhu.
Pojačajte vatru i u juhu dodajte povrće (narezano po želji).
Kad je povrće omekšalo, dodajte i rižu.
U međuvremenu očistite meso od kostiju i, kad je riža kuhana, vratite ga u juhu.
Začinite maslinovim uljem i, po volji, svježe mljevenim bijelim paprom.


Unlike salmon filets, your fishmonger will gladly let you take the salmon bone, tail and head for a very small amount of money. Still, this soup will taste predominantly of salmon!


½ kg salmon tail and bone
1 small onion
1 fresh tomato
1 bay leaf
10 peppercorns
1 teaspoon salt
40 dag soup root vegetables (carrot – orange and yellow, parsley, celeriac, and a potato)
80 g rice
1 tbsp olive oil


Scale the fish. Peel the vegetables.
Place the onion, tomato, bay leaf and peppercorns in a pot filled with 2 l of salted water and bring to a boil.
Lower the heat, add the fish, and cook for several minutes, until the meat starts detaching from the bones.
Sieve, reserving the liquid and the fish. Strain the tomato and discard the rest (to a composter).
Reheat the soup and add the vegetables (cut into slices or strips to your liking).
When the vegetables are soft, add the rice.
Meanwhile, bone the fish and, when the rice is done, return the meat to the soup.
Season with olive oil (and freshly ground white pepper – optional).