
1 kg luka, narezanog na tanke ploške
3 rajčice, nasjeckane
500 g svježeg kravljeg sira
1/2 šalice maslinovog ulja
1 žličica čilija

1 pakiranje kora za savijače
¼ šalice vode
1/3 šalice ulja
1 žličica soli


Na maslinovom ulju karamelizirajte luk. Pirjajte ga, stalno miješajući, 10-ak minuta da postane lagano smeđ i mekan. Dodajte rajčicu i kuhajte (miješajući povremeno) dok tekućina ne ispari. Maknite s vatre.
U mlako umiješajte čili i sir. Posolite po ukusu i dobro promiješajte.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 200 °C.
U zdjelici pomiješajte ulje, vodu i sol. Time ćete premazivati kore.
Na dasku stavite jednu koru. Lagano premažite pripremljenim uljem i prekrijte drugom korom.
Te kore izrežite uzdužno u  4 jednake trake. Na jedan kraj svake trake stavite punu žlicu nadjeva pa preklopite u trokut. Nepreklopljeni dio trake opet lagano premažite, pa nastavite motati trokut duž trake dok svo tijesto nije omotano oko nadjeva.
Ponovite s drugom trakom.
Nastavite dok ne potrošite sve kore i sav nadjev.
Lim za pečenje (veličine pećnice) prekrijte papirom za pečenje pa na njega slažite trokute. Premažite ih odozgo pripremljenim uljem i pecite 20-ak minuta dok ne dobiju lijepu zlatnosmeđu boju.



For the filling:
1 kg onion, thinly sliced
3 tomatoes, chopped
500 g cottage cheese
½ cup olive oil
1 teaspoon chilli powder

1 pack strudel pastry
¼ cup water
1/3 cup oil
1 teaspoon salt


Caramelise the onion in olive oil. Sauté stirring constantly for about 10 minutes, until lightly brown and soft. Add the tomatoes and cook (stirring occasionally) until the liquid evaporates. Remove from heat.
When lukewarm, add the chilli and cheese. Season with salt to taste. Stir well.
Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Combine the oil, water and salt in a small bowl. You will brush the pastry with this mixture.
Place a sheet of strudel pastry on a board. Brush lightly with the oil mixture. Top with another sheet of pastry.
Cut the pastry into 4 equal, long strips. Place a heaping tablespoon of the filling at one end of each strip. Fold diagonally to form a triangle. Brush the remaining part of the strip with the oil mixture. Keep folding the triangle until all the pastry is used.
Repeat with the remaining strips of pastry.
Continue folding triangles until all the pastry and filling is used.
Line an oven-size baking tin with parchment paper. Place the triangles in it. Brush the top side with the oil mixture. Bake until nicely golden (20-25 min).