
250 g plazma keksa
2 žlice kokosa
120 g otopljenog maslaca
250 g mascarpone sira
100 ml jogurta od kruške
1 šalica + 1/3 šalice šećera u prahu
1 ½ vrećica želatine fix
400 ml slatkog vrhnja
prehrambene boje (plava, crvena, žuta)
kokos za posipanje


Kekse sameljite u miltipraktiku ili ih stavite u vrećicu pa po njoj prelazite valjkom za tijesto. Usitnjene kekse pomiješajte s kokosom i otopljenim maslacem i tom smjesom prekrijte dno kalupa za torte. Dobro pritisnite pa stavite u hladnjak na 1 sat.

Mascarpone umutite sa šalicom šećera i jogurtom.

Posebno istucite vrhnje u čvrst šlag, dodajte preostali šećer i želatinu prema uputama na pakiranju.

Šlag pomiješajte sa sirom pa smjesu podijelite na 4 dijela. U svaki dodajte nekoliko kapi boje – u jednu toliko plave da dobijete tamnoplavu nijansu, u drugu koju kap manje da krema postane nježnoplava, crvene za ružičastu kremu, pa žute… Izmiješajte svaki od 4 dijelova kreme pa ih nanesite na kekse: prvo tamnoplavu kremu, pa svijetloplavu, ružičastu i na kraju žutu. Pospite kokosom i stavite u hladnjak na 3 sata.

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250 g plain biscuits
2 tbsp coconut
120 g melted butter
250 g mascarpone cheese
100 ml peach-flavoured yogurt
1 cup + 1/3 cup icing sugar
1 ½ pouch gelatine fix
400 ml sweet cream
food colouring (blue, red, yellow)
coconut for decoration


Grind the biscuits in a blender, or place them in a plastic bag and crumble them with a rolling pin. Combine them with coconut and melted butter. Press into the bottom of a cake tin and refrigerate for an hour.
Stir the yogurt and a cup of sugar into the mascarpone cheese.
In a separate bowl, beat the cream until peaks form, add the remaining sugar and the gelatine following the instructions on the package.
Combine the whipped cream with the cheese and divide into 4 batches. Add several drops of food colouring into each to get a dark blue mixture, a light blue mixture, a pink and a yellow mixture. Mix each of them well and make layers on top of the biscuits – first the dark blue cream, followed by the light blue, pink and yellow.

Sprinkle with coconut and refrigerate for 3 hours.

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