Ako vas put nanese u Slavoniju, zastanite u Hrastinu. U tom selu, na njegovu samom kraju, nalazi se kuća Ilonkine obitelji. Vrijedna Ilonka svakoga dana s djecom i unučadi marljivo radi u poljima i plastenicima i uzgaja fenomenalno povrće i voće. Kod Ilonke je sve prirodno – svoje proizvode uzgaja  bez trunke pesticida ili kakve druge kemije.

Stoga, nanese li vas put do Hrastina, po povrće svratite do drage Ilonke!


10 kg malih krastavaca
4 l vode
1 l octa,
300 g šećera
150 g soli
biber u zrnu
cvjetovi kopra
korijen hrena, oguljen i narezan na tanke štapiće


U staklenke dobro utisnite oprane krastavce. Slažite ih uspravno, jednog do drugog, dok ne popunite dno staklenke. Između krastavaca ubacite koji komadić hrena i koje zrno papra.

Složite i drugi red krastavaca na isti način, odnosno toliko redova da popunite staklenku.

U octu izmiješajte šećer i sol pa dodajte vodu. Prokuhajte i ohladite.

Dobivenom tekućinom zalijte krastavce u staklenkama. Pričekajte nekoliko minuta da se tekućina provuče po cijeloj staklenci. Po potrebi još dolijte. Važno je da krastavci budu potpuno prekriveni mješavinom octa i vode.

U svaku staklenku, na krastavce stavite po jedan cvijet kopra. Ako treba pritisnite daščicama.

Zatvorite poklopcem i čuvajte na hladnom mjestu barem 40 dana.

Nakon tog vremena krastavci bi trebali biti bistri i spremni za konzumaciju.


When in Slavonia, make sure to visit the village of Hrastin where, at its outskirts, lives Ilonka with her family. She works diligently with her children and grandchildren on the family fields and in the greenhouses, growing magnificent fruit and vegetables. Everything they grow is natural – the produce is never treated with pesticides or any other chemicals.
Well, if you find your way to Hrastin, make sure you stop by dear Ilonka!


10 kg small cucumbers
4 l water
1 l vinegar
300 g sugar
150 g salt
dill flowers
horseradish root, peeled and thinly sliced


Arrange a layer of (washed) cucumbers in a jar vertically, packing them tightly. Squeeze in several pieces of horseradish and a few peppercorns. Top with as many layers as needed to fill in the jar.

Combine the vinegar, sugar, salt and water. Bring to a boil and leave to cool. Pour over the cucumbers and wait for a couple of minutes for the liquid to set. Pour in more brine if needed for the cucumbers to be completely submerged and there is no air bubbles left in the jar.
Place a dill flower on top of each jar. Press down using flat sticks (optional).

Seal and keep in a cold place for at least 40 days.
The liquid should be clear and the pickles ready to serve.