
1 dl mlijeka

1 žličica šećera

5 g suhog kvasca

500 g brašna

sol (sitna i krupna)

2 žlice sitno nasjeckanog svježeg ružmarina

maslinovo ulje

masline, slani inćuni, sušene rajčice, ružmarin, timijan – po želji


U zdjelici pomiješajte toplo mlijeko, žličicu šećera i kvasac. Pokrijte i pustite da nabubri.  U veliku zdjelu prosijte brašno kojemu dodajte nasjeckani  ružmarin i žlicu soli, pa dodajte uzdigli kvasac. Zamijesite s toliko mlake vode da dobijete meko i podatno tijesto koje ćete mijesiti rukama barem 5 minuta.

Vratite u zdjelu premazanu maslinovim uljem, prekrijte čistim ubrusom i pustite da se diže na toplom mjestu 2 sata.

Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 °C.

Dignuto tijesto razvaljajte na 2 cm debljine pa stavite u namašćen i malko posoljen lim za pečenje. Nabockajte površinu vršcima prstiju pa premažite maslinovim uljem. Po vrhu pobacajte timijan, ružmarin, masline, komadiće slanih inćuna, nasjeckane sušene rajčice… i krupnu sol.

Pecite dvadesetak minuta, dok lagano ne pozlati i ne zamiriše.



1 dl milk
1 teaspoon sugar
5 g dry yeast
500 g flour
salt (and coarse sea salt)
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh rosemary
olive oil

olives, salted anchovies, sun-dried tomatoes, rosemary, thyme – to your liking


Combine the milk, sugar and yeast in a small bowl. Cover and leave to rise. Sift the flour in a large bowl. Add the finely chopped rosemary, a tablespoon of salt and the risen yeast. Knead adding just enough lukewarm water to get soft dough that is easy to handle, for at least 5 minutes.
Grease the bowl with olive oil and return the dough. Cover with a clean kitchen cloth and leave to rise in a warm place for about 2 hrs.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
Roll out the dough until 2 cm thick. Place in a greased and lightly salted baking tin. Dot the dough by using your fingers to create lots of dips and wells. Brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with thyme, rosemary, olives, chopped salted anchovies and sun-dried tomatoes, and… coarse salt.
Bake for about 20 minutes, until lightly golden and the aromas are released.