Prema receptu objavljenom u mini-kuharici Pies & Puddings (Könemann)


2 ¼ šalice brašna
¼ šalice gorkog kakaa
¼ žličice sode bikarbone
½ žličice praška za pecivo
150 g maslaca
¾ šalice šećera
1 vanilin šećer
100 g tamne čokolade, nasjeckane
2 jaja, lagano umućena
¾ šalice jogurta ili slatkog vrhnja

50 g maslaca
150 g tamne čokolade, nasjeckane
1 ½ šalica slatkog vrhnja
1 žlica instant kave
1 – 2 žlice čokoladnog likera – po želji


Kalup za puding namastite i prekrijte papirom za pečenje.

Prosijte brašno, kakao, prašak i sodu u veću posudu.

U vatrostalnu posudu stavite šećer, vanilin, čokoladu i maslac pa otopite nad laganom vatrom.
Maknite s vatre i dodajte umućena jaja i jogurt.

Tu smjesu ulijte u zdjelu s brašnom. Promiješajte.

Pripremljenom smjesom napunite kalup. Neće biti pun do vrha – to je u redu – tijekom kuhanja puding će rasti.

Komad aluminijske folije veći od otvora kalupa za puding nauljite pa prekrijte komadom papira za pečenje. I njega nauljite.
Time prekrijte kalup, okrećući papir prema dolje. Sad kalup zatvorite poklopcem.

Stavite ga u veći lonac koji pažljivo napunite vrelom vodom. Neka dosiže do polovice kalupa za puding.

Stavite lonac nad vatru. Kad zavrije, poklopite i kuhajte 1 sat i 15 minuta. Po potrebi u lonac dolijevajte vruću vodu. Puding ne smije biti na suhom!

Kad je puding skoro gotov, pripremite umak.

U vatrostalnoj posudi pomiješajte vrhnje, instant kavu, maslac i čokoladu. Miješajte nad laganom vatrom dok se čokolada i maslac ne otope i ne nastane jednoličan umak. Maknite s vatre. Po želji dodajte čokoladni liker.

Puding izvadite iz lonca, maknite poklopac pa ga preokrenite na tanjur.

Poslužite ga toplog, s toplim umakom.

I puding i umak možete ponovno zagrijati u mikrovalnoj pećnici.

Do posluživanja ga čuvajte u hladnjaku, pokrivenog folijom.


The recipe was inspired by one published in Könemann’s Pies & Puddings mini-cookbook


For the pudding:
2 ¼ cup flour
¼ cup bitter coca powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
150 g butter
¾ cup sugar
1 pouch vanilla sugar
100 g dark chocolate, chopped
2 eggs, lightly beaten
¾ cup yogurt or sweet cream

For the sauce:
50 g butter
150 g dark chocolate, chopped
1 ½ cups sweet cream
1 tbsp instant coffee powder
1-2 tbsp chocolate liqueur (optional)


Grease a pudding mould and line with a sheet of parchment paper.

Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and baking powder in a large bowl.

Place the sugar, vanilla sugar, chocolate and butter in an oven-proof dish and melt over low heat.
Remove from heat and add the beaten eggs and yogurt.

Add the mixture to the dry ingredients and stir.

Transfer the mixture into the mould. It will not be full (which is OK) as it will rise while cooked.

Grease a sheet of aluminium foil (larger than the mould opening). Cover it with a sheet of parchment paper and grease the paper.
Place it on top of the mould, top side down. Cover with a lid.

Place in a large pot. Carefully pour boiling water down the side of the pan to come half-way up the side of the mould.
Bring to the boil, cover with a lid and cook for another 1 hour and 15 minutes, replenishing with hot water if needed. The pudding should not boil dry.

When the pudding is almost cooked, prepare the sauce.

Combine the cream, coffee powder, butter, and chocolate in an oven-proof dish. Stir over low heat until the chocolate and butter have melted and the mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Add the chocolate liqueur (optional).

Remove the pudding from the pot, remove the covering and turn upside down on a plate.

Serve warm, with a warm sauce.

You can reheat both the pudding and the sauce in a microwave oven. Refrigerate covered with plastic foil until serving.