… koje su naše bake servirale posute makom, orasima ili šećerom, a nama najbolje prijaju uz domaći paprikaš.


  • ¾ kg oštrog brašna
  • 2 jaja
  • malo vode


Od brašna, jaja i vode umijesite žilavo, ali ne pretvrdo tijesto.
Podijelite tijesto na 3 dijela i svaki razvaljajte u tanki mlinac. Pustite desetak minuta da se mlinci prosuše, pa svaki zarolajte poput palačinke. Oštrim nožem režite trake širine 1,5 cm. Rezance rasporedite po pobrašnjenoj dasci i ostavite ih da se suše bar sat vremena.
Osušene rezance kuhajte  u puno slane vode otprilike 5 – 7 minuta. Ocijedite pa ih prelijte s malo otopljenog maslaca.
Služite s paprikašem, ali i posute makom, šećerom, orasima…
Napomena: Od ove  smjese možete napraviti i krpice.
Nakon što se mlinci prosuše, nožem režite kvadratiće. Ostavite ih da se osuše, a onda skuhajte u slanoj vodi i ocijeđene umiješajte u pirjani kupus.


… just like our grandmothers used to make served with poppy seeds, walnuts or sugar and for us goes best with homemade paprikash


¾ kg pastry flour
2 eggs
some water


Combine the flour, eggs and water to make a firm (but not too tough) ball of dough.
Divide the dough into three smaller balls and thinly roll out each ball. Leave for 10 minutes to dry.

Roll into crepes and slice (using a sharp knife) into 1.5 cm wide strips. Spread the noodles on a wooden board dusted with flour and leave to dry for at least an hour.
Cook the dried noodles in a large pot of salted water for 5-7 minutes. Drain and coat with a little melted butter.
Serve with paprikash or sprinkled with poppy seeds, sugar, walnuts…
Note: Use the same dough to make other pasta shapes, like small square patches.
Once the rolled-out dough has dried, use a sharp knife to cut small squares. Leave to dry, boil in salted water, drain and stir into some sautéed cabbage.