
10 bjelanjaka
10 žlica šećera u prahu
10 žlica brašna
prstohvat soli
2 dl mlijeka

10 žutanjaka
10 žlica šećera
1 vrećica pudinga od vanilije
1 vrećica pudinga od čokolade
1 l mlijeka (podijelite na 2 dijela)
2 žlice brašna
100 g tamne čokolade
400 g omekšalog maslaca (sobne temperature)

500 ml slatkog vrhnja
2 – 3 žlice šećera u prahu
naribana čokolada


Pećnicu zagrijte na 160 °C.
Lim veličine pećnice namastite i pobrašnite.
Bjelanjke tucite sa solju u snijeg. Smanjite brzinu miksera pa postupno, žlicu po žlicu, dodajte šećer i brašno.
Tijesto rasporedite po pripremljenom limu, poravnajte površinu i pecite 20 – 30 minuta.
Pečeno tijesto izvadite iz pećnice i prelijte mlijekom. Ostavite da se ohladi.
U međuvremenu napravite kreme.
Žutanjke izmiješajte s 8 žlica šećera i kuhajte nad parom (ili laganom vatrom) dok se ne počnu gustiti. Maknite s vatre, prekrijte plastičnom folijom (spustite je skroz na žutanjke – tako se neće napraviti korica) i ohladite.
Mlijeko podijelite u 2 posude – po ½ l u svaku.
Prašak za puding od čokolade pomiješajte s 1 žlicom šećera i 1 žlicom brašna. Od ½ l mlijeka uzmite 2 žlice i razmutite puding. U preostalo mlijeko u toj posudi dodajte čokoladu i stavite na vatru da zavrije. Ukuhajte puding pa ga, kad je skuhan, prekrijte plastičnom folijom. Ohladite.
Prašak za puding od vanilije pomiješajte s 1 žlicom šećera i 1 žlicom brašna. Dodajte 2 žlice mlijeka iz preostale posude i razmutite.
Ostatak mlijeka stavite na vatru. Kad zavrije, ukuhajte puding. I njega prekrijte plastičnom folijom i ohladite.
Maslac tucite do pjenastog. Postupno mu dodajte kuhane žutanjke. Kad je smjesa jednolična, podijelite je na 2 dijela.
U jedan dio umiješajte puding od vanilije, a u drugi puding od čokolade.
Tijesto premažite kremom od čokolade, a zatim i od vanilije.
Istucite slatko vrhnje sa šećerom i premažite preko krema. Kolač pospite naribanom čokoladom.
Ohladite u hladnjaku. Poslužite narezan na kocke.



For the cake:
10 egg whites
10 tbsp icing sugar
10 tbsp flour
a pinch of salt
2 dl milk

For the crèmes:
10 egg yolks
10 tbsp sugar
1 pouch vanilla pudding
1 pouch chocolate pudding
1 l milk (divided into 2)
2 tbsp flour
100 g dark chocolate
400 g butter, at room temperature

500 ml sweet cream
2-3 tbsp icing sugar
grated chocolate


Preheat the oven to 160 °C.
Grease an oven-size tin and dust with flour.
Beat the egg whites and salt until stiff peaks form. Lower the speed and add the sugar and flour gradually, one spoon at a time.
Transfer to the tin evenly and trowel. Bake for 20-30 minutes.

Remove from the oven. Pour over the milk and leave to cool.
Meanwhile, prepare the crèmes.
Stir the egg yolks and 8 tbsp sugar over steam, over low heat, until they start thickening. Remove from heat and cover with a sheet of plastic foil (press the foil gently lest a crust should form). Leave to cool.
Pour the milk into two bowls (½ l milk in each).
Combine the chocolate pudding powder with 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp flour. Take 2 tbsp of milk from one bowl and stir into the pudding. Add the chocolate to the remaining milk and bring to a boil. Add the pudding and cook until done. Cover with plastic foil and leave to cool.
Combine the vanilla pudding powder with 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp flour. Add 2 tbsp milk from the other bowl and stir.
Bring the remaining milk to a boil. Add the pudding and cook. Cover with plastic foil and leave to cool.
Beat the butter until foamy. Add the egg yolks gradually, one at a time and beat until uniform. Divide into two.
Add each pudding to one half of the butter mixture.
Spread the cake with the chocolate crème. Then spread the vanilla crème.
Beat the sweet cream and sugar. Spread over the cake. Sprinkle with grated chocolate.
Refrigerate. Serve sliced into squares.