Ove ukusne fritule bez kvasca ostat će mekane i drugi dan.



20 žl glatkog brašna

2 jaja

1 prašak za pecivo

4-5 žl šećera

Prstohvat soli

4 žlice kiselog vrhnja

200-250 ml mlijeka

Ulje za prženje (1 litra)


200 g tamne čokolade

80 g maslaca

1 žl šećera

4-5 žl mlijeka

100 g kokosa (ili mljevenog keksa)


Brašno prosijte s praškom i solju. Dodajte šećer, vrhnje i umućena jaja. Miješajte metlicom i ulijte toliko mlijeka da dobijete smjesu gušću od one za palačinke.

Ulje jako zagrijte.

Žličicom vadite fritulice i pržite ih u vrućem ulju dok lijepo ne pozlate. (Pripazite: ako vatra bude prejaka, fritule će se ispeći izvana, a unutra ostati sirove. Provjerite prve ispečene, pa po potrebi smanjite vatru.)

Fritule vadite na upijajući papir da se ocijede od viška masnoće.

U malenoj posudi, na laganoj vatri, rastopite čokoladu, šećer, mlijeko i maslac.  Kad dobijete jednoličnu glazuru, maknite s vatre. Umačite fritule u čokoladu pa ih uz pomoć 2 vilice izvadite na silikonsku podlogu. Stavite u hladnjak da se stisnu.

Ohlađene fritule uvaljajte u kokos.


These tasty fritters made without yeast will be equally fresh the next day.


For the sponge balls:
20 tbsp plain flour
2 eggs
1 pouch baking powder
4-5 tbsp sugar
a pinch of salt
4 tbsp sour cream
200-250 ml milk

frying oil

For the glaze:
200 g dark chocolate
80 g butter
1 tbsp sugar
4-5 tbsp milk

100 g coconut (or ground biscuits)


Sift the flour with the baking powder and salt. Add the sugar, cream and lightly beaten eggs. Whisk, pouring in just enough milk to get a batter somewhat thicker than that for crêpes.
Heat the oil.
Spoon in the mixture and fry in hot oil until nicely golden. (Be careful – the heat should not be too high as the fritters will burn on the outside and remain raw on the inside. Check the first batch and lower the heat if needed.)
Drain the excess oil placing the fritters on paper towels.
Melt the chocolate, sugar, milk and butter in a small pan over low heat until uniform. Remove from heat. Dip the fritters in the chocolate glaze. Use two forks to place them on a sheet of silicon foil and refrigerate until firm.
Roll the cooled fritters in coconut.