
500 g lisnatog tijesta (2 komada po 250 g)
6 žutanjaka
400 ml mlijeka
100 ml slatkog vrhnja
10 žlice kristal šećera
1 mahuna vanilije
3 žlice škrobnog brašna (gustina)
100 g tamne čokolade
šećer u prahu


Pećnicu zagrijte na 200 °C.
Svaki komad lisnatog tijesta razvaljajte na veličinu pećnice pa razrežite na 3 jednaka dijela. Dobit ćete 6 listova. Nabockajte ih vilicom i dva po dva pecite na limu za pečenje.
Kore pecite 10 minuta pa ih izvadite, pospite šećerom u prahu i vratite u pećicu na još 10 minuta.
Ponovite postupak sa svim korama.
Pečene kore ohladite.
Mlijeko pomiješajte s vrhnjem. Vaniliju razrežite uzdužno pa izgulite sjemenke povlačeći tupom stranom noža. I sjemenke i mahunu dodajte u mlijeko i vrhnje.
Stavite na vatru da zavrije, a onda ugasite vatru i izvadite mahunu vanilije.
Žutanjke pomiješajte sa šećerom i škrobnim brašnom. Polako ulijte šalicu vrućeg mlijeka da se temperatura žutanjaka izjednači s temperaturom mlijeka pa sve vratite u lonac s mlijekom. Vrtite nad vatru i kuhajte, stalno miješajući, dok se krema ne zgusne (10-ak minuta). Umiješajte čokoladu koju ste omekšali u pećnici zagrijanoj na 100 ºC (3 – 4 minute).
Maknite s vatre, prekrijte prozirnom folijom (tako da dotiče kremu) i ohladite.
Ako treba, obrežite kore da sve budu jednake veličine.
Na pladanj stavite jednu koru, premažite je kremom i poklopite drugom korom. Ponovno premažite kremom i poklopite trećom korom. Kolač ukrasite kremom ili obilno posipajte šećerom u prahu.
Ponovite postupak s preostale 3 kore i ostatkom kreme.
Ohladite u hladnjaku.



500 g puff pastry (2×250 g)
6 egg yolks
400 ml milk
100 ml sweet cream
10 tbsp granulated sugar
1 vanilla pod
3 tbsp starch
100 g dark chocolate
icing sugar


Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Roll out each piece of puff pastry to the size of an oven-size tin and cut into 3 equal parts to get 6 sheets of puff pastry. Pierce with a fork and place in a tin, two at a time.
Bake the sheets for 10 minutes. Take the sheets out of the oven, sprinkle with icing sugar and bake for 10 more minutes.
Repeat with the remaining sheets.
Leave to cool.
Combine the milk and cream. Slice the vanilla pod lengthwise and scrape the seeds. Add both the seeds and the pod to the milk and cream mixture.
Bring to a boil, remove from heat and remove the vanilla pod.
Combine the egg yolks, sugar and starch. Slowly add a cup of hot milk, so that the temperature of the egg yolks adjusts to the temperature of the milk. Pour the mixture into the pot with the milk. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened (about 10 minutes). Preheat the oven to 100 ºC and “bake” the chocolate for 3-4 minutes, until soft. Stir into the mixture.
Remove from heat, cover with plastic foil (pressing it on top of the crème) and leave to cool.
Trim the sheets of puff pastry to be equal in size.
Place one sheet on a platter. Top with cream and a second sheet of pastry. Top with another layer of cream and the third pastry sheet. Spread the crème on the top and the sides. Sprinkle with icing sugar lavishly.
Repeat with the remaining three sheets and the remaining crème.