(za 16 – 18 staklenki)

Idealno za piknike i veća okupljanja


120 g maslaca
2 jaja
1 ½ šalice mekog brašna
1/3 šalice kakao praha
½ praška za pecivo
3/4 žličice sode bikarbone
prstohvat soli
1 ½ šalica šećera
1 vanilin šećer
1 šalica mlijeka
½ šalice čokoladnih komadića

1 šalica slatkog vrhnja (oko 240 ml)
100 g tamne čokolade

2 – 3 banane
1 šalica slatkog vrhnja



Kalup za muffine namastite i pobrašnite.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 160 °C.
Pomiješajte brašno, kakao, sodu, sol i prašak.
Maslac tucite mikserom 30 sekundi, a zatim mu, malo po malo, dodajte šećer i vanilin šećer. Po potrebi, sastružite smjesu sa stijenki posude za miksanje. Tucite 2 minute.
Dodajte jedno po jedno jaje, miksajući nakon svakoga.
Naizmjence dodajte pripremljeno brašno i mlijeko i miješajte dok se smjesa ne izjednači. Lopaticom umiješajte i čokoladne komadiće.
Tako pripremljenom smjesom punite kalupe za muffine do 2/3 visine. Pecite 30 – 40 minuta (dok kolači ne narastu, a štapić zaboden u sredinu ne izađe čist).
Na vatru pristavite lončić sa slatkim vrhnjem za kremu. Kad zavrije, ugasite vatru i dodajte nasjeckanu čokoladu. Ostavite 1 minutu, a onda žustro promiješajte.
Kremu ohladite.
Sad kolač složite u staklenku.
Banane narežite na deblje kolutove.
Pečene kolače prerežite vodoravno na pola. Donji dio stavite u staklenku. Prelijte s nekoliko žlica čokoladne kreme pa po njoj poslažite banane. Dodajte žlicu tučenog slatkog vrhnja i prekrijte gornjim dijelom kolača. Ukrasite tučenim vrhnjem i ribanom čokoladom. Po potrebi, staklenku zatvorite poklopcem (ako, primjerice, kolač nosite na neko druženje u prirodi).
Do posluživanja čuvajte u hladnjaku.


Ako nemate kalup za muffine, kolač pecite u limu za pečenje veličine pećnice. Ispečeno i ohlađeno tijesto režite čašom promjera jednakoga promjeru staklenki.


(for 16-18 jars)
Ideal for picnics and large gatherings


120 g butter
2 eggs
1 ½ cup plain flour
1/3 cup cocoa powder
½ pouch baking powder
¾ teaspoon baking soda
a pinch of salt
1 ½ cup sugar
1 pouch vanilla sugar
1 cup milk
½ cup chocolate chips

1 cup sweet cream (about 240 ml)
100 g dark chocolate

2-3 bananas
1 cup sweet cream



Grease a muffin tin and dust with flour.
Preheat the oven to 160 °C.
Combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, and baking powder.
Beat with a mixer for 30 seconds. Add the sugar and vanilla sugar gradually. Use a spatula to scrape the mixture from the sides of the mixing bowl if needed. Beat for 2 minutes.
Add the eggs, one at a time, beating after each.
Add the flour mixture and milk alternately, beating until uniform. Use a spatula to stir in the chocolate chips.
Fill 2/3 of each muffin liner with the mixture. Bake for 30-40 minutes (until risen and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean).
Leave to cool.
To make the crème, bring the sweet cream to a boil in a small pot. Remove from heat, add the chopped chocolate and leave to rest for 1 minute. Stir swiftly.
Leave to cool.
To arrange the treat in the jars:
Slice the bananas thickly.
Halve the baked muffins horizontally. Place the bottom halves into the jars. Pour over with several tablespoons of the chocolate crème. Arrange the banana rings and add a tablespoon of whipped cream. Top with the top half of the muffins. Decorate with whipped cream and chocolate shavings. If you are taking the dessert – say, to a picnic – you can seal the jars with the lids.
Refrigerate until serving.


If you do not have a muffin tin, bake the cake in an oven-size tin. Once cooled, use a glass that is the same size as the jars to cut out the cake.