

4 šalice glatkog brašna

2 žl suhog kvasca

1 šalica toplog mlijeka

1/3 šalice šećera + 1 žličica šećera

90 maslaca (oko 1/3 šalice)

Prstohvat soli

2 jaja



¾ šalice smeđeg šećera

¼ šalice brašna

1 žlica cimeta

100 g omekšalog maslaca

2 naribane jabuke

½ šalice višanja bez koštica (svježih, iz kompota ili iz višnjevače)



200 g krem sira

1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije

½ šalice šećera u prahu


Zagrijte mlijeko, maslac i šećer  da se maslac otopi. U zdjeli za miješanje prosijte 2 šalice brašna i kvasac, pa prelijte s toplim mlijekom. Umiješajte i jaja.  Tucite mikserom s kukom za tijesto da se smjea izjednači, a zatim dodajte preostalo brašno i sol.

Istresite tijesto na pobrašnjenu dasku i premijesite rukama. Podijelite na 2 dijela. Oblikujte ih u kugle, prekrijte čistim ubrusom i ostavite na toplom barem 90 minuta da se udvostruče.

U zdjelici pomiješajte smeđi šećer, brašno i cimet.

Uzdiglo tijesto razvaljajte u 2 pravokutnika. Neka ne bude deblje od pola cm. Premažite ih maslacom i obilato posipajte šećerom i cimetom. Po vrhu pospite naribane jabuke i višnje i zarolajte po duljoj stranici.

Oštrim nožem režite komade široke 2 cm pa ih polegnite na lim prekriven papirom za pečenje. Ostavite malo razmaka među rolicama – još će narasti dok se pećnica grije.

Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva C.  Pužiće pecite 20-25 minuta da postanu lijepo zlatni.

Neka se ohlade bar 10 min.

Umutite sir sa šećerom i vanilijom. Pripremljenu kremu stavite u vrećicu za ukrašavanje i u tankom je mlazu istisnite preko  pužića.



For the dough:
4 cups plain flour
2 tbsp dry yeast
1 cup warm milk
1/3 cup sugar + 1 tbsp sugar
90 g butter (about 1/3 cup)
a pinch of salt
2 eggs

For the filling:
¾ cup brown sugar
¼ cup flour
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
100 g butter, softened
2 apples, grated
½ cup pitted sour cherries (fresh, preserved or from sour cherry brandy)

For the topping:
200 g cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup icing sugar


Heat the milk, butter and sugar until the butter melts. Sift 2 cups flour and yeast in a mixing bowl. Pour over with the warm milk. Add the eggs and beat with a mixer with a dough hook until uniform. Add the remaining flour and salt.
Pour onto a wooden board dusted with flour and knead. Divide and make two balls. Cover them with a clean kitchen cloth and leave to double in a warm place for at least 90 minutes.
Combine the brown sugar, flour and cinnamon powder in a small bowl.
Roll out each of the dough balls into a rectangle, not thicker than half a centimetre. Brush with butter and sprinkle lavishly with sugar and cinnamon. Top with grated apples and sour cherries. Take the long side of the dough and roll up.
Use a sharp knife to cut the roll into 2-cm pieces. Place them on a baking tin lined with parchment paper, leaving enough space between them to rise.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C and bake for 20-25 minutes, until nicely golden.
Leave to cool for at least 10 minutes.
Combine the cheese with the sugar and vanilla. Place the crème into a decorating bag and pour it thinly over the rolls.