Tradicionalni toskanski keksi. Porijeklo im je, kažu, iz grada Prato, gdje su se zvali i biscotti, od lat. bis cotto – dvaput pečen.

Takvi suhi keksići dobro su se čuvali, a rado su ih i umakali u čaj, kavu i u vino, pa žete i danas često cantucine naći poslužene uz vino santo.


200 g smeđeg šećera
1 vanilin šećer
25 g mekog maslaca
2 jaja
250 g pirova brašna
1 prašak za pecivo
150 g grubo nasjeckanih badema


Izmiješajte maslac, šećer, jaja, vaniliju i sol.

Prosijte brašno s praškom i umiješajte u smjesu maslaca. Dodajte i bademe. Tijesto treba biti pomalo žilavo i ljepljivo. Omotajte ga prozirnom folijom i ostavite u hladnjaku barem 1 dan.

Ohlađeno tijesto podijelite na 6 komada i oblikujte štruce.

Stavite štruce na papir za pečenje, dosta udaljene (jer će rasti) i pecite na 210 ºC 12 minuta, dok ne porumene.

Izvadite iz pećnice i ohladite 5 minuta, a temperaturu pećnice snizite na 180 ºC. Zatim svaku štrucu narežite na ploške. Ploške slažite na lim za pečenje (gusto). Pecite još 8 – 10 minuta.

Pečene kekse ostavite nekoliko minuta da miruju u limu (da se stvrdnu), a zatim ih izvadite na tanjur.

Cantuccine možete, potpuno hladne, zapakirati u metalne kutije ili staklenke i darovati za Božić.


Traditional Italian biscuits. Legend has it that they originated from the town of Prato, where they called them biscotti, from Old Latin bis cotto – baked twice. The dry biscuits kept well and tasted great dipped in tea, coffee or wine so it comes as no surprise that even today you might get cantucini served with vino santo.


200 g brown sugar
1 pouch vanilla sugar
25 g butter, softened
2 eggs
250 g spelt flour
1 pouch baking powder
150 g almonds, coarsely chopped


Combine the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla and salt. Sift the flour and baking powder and add to the butter mixture. Add the almonds. The dough should be slightly tough and sticky. Wrap in a sheet of plastic foil and refrigerate for at least a day.

Cut into 6 pieces and form loafs.
Place on a sheet of parchment paper far apart (as the dough will rise) and bake at 210 ºC for 12 minutes, until nicely golden.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool for 5 minutes. Lower the heat to 180 ºC. Slice each loaf, arrange the slices on a baking tray (thickly) and bake for another 8-10 minutes.

Leave the baked biscuits on the baking tray for several minutes, until thickened, before arranging them on a serving plate.

When cold, store the cantuccini in metal boxes or glass jars – or give them away as Christmas gifts.