
1 kg bukovača
2 žlice kiselog vrhnja
1 luk
1 češanj češnjaka
100 g maslaca

250 g matovilca
bučino ulje
aceto balsamico
200 g mrkve
1 žlica nasjeckanih badema


Balzamski ocat, ulje, sol i papar pomiješajte u marinadu.

Mrkvu ogulite, narežite je na jako tanke kolutove i blanširajte u slanoj vodi.
Ocijedite pa je zajedno s bademima stavite u marinadu. U marinadu dodajte i očišćen i opran matovilac.

Luk sitno nasjeckajte i propirjajte na maslacu.

Krupno narežite bukovače pa ih dodajte luku. Pirjajte dok gljive ne omekšaju.
Kad su gljive skoro gotove, dodajte im vrhnje i začinite po ukusu. Kratko prokuhajte.

Matovilac na tanjur poslažite u krug, a u sredinu stavite ragu od gljiva.



1 kg oyster mushrooms
2 tbsp sour cream
1 onion
1 clove garlic
100 g butter

250 g lamb’s lettuce
pumpkin seed oil
aceto balsamico
200 g carrots
1 tbsp chopped almonds


Make a marinade by combining the aceto balsamico, oil, salt and pepper.

Peel the carrots and thinly slice. Cook briefly (blanch) in salted water.

Sieve and place in the marinade. Add the almonds and the cleaned (washed) lamb’s lettuce.

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter.
Slice the mushrooms coarsely and add to the pan. Fry until tender.
Just before the mushrooms are cooked, add the cream, season to taste and cook briefly.

Arrange the lamb’s lettuce along the rim of a plate and transfer the mushroom ragout to the center.