Prepared when making strudel or any hand stretched dough…


thick edges trimmed off of stretched dough
5 dag butter

This treat is a perfect example of how reasonable and inventive our grandmothers were when it came to the economical use of ingredients.
Each time my grandmother would undertake making hand stretched dough for strudel or štrukli, she would trim off the thick edges around the perimeter before assembling the strudel.
While the strudel was in the oven, she would knead the trimmed off dough once again, give it a coat of butter, season with salt, give it a 3-fold turn and roll out again.
She would bake it after the strudel was done, for about 30 minutes, at 180 °C.
It used to take us children just the blink of an eye to make this warm, crunchy, lightly puffed, and perfectly buttery treat disappear.


Koji se radi kad se mijese štrudle ili štrukle…


okrajci vučenog tijesta
5 dag maslaca

Ovaj je kolač dobar primjer kako su naše bake znale ekonomično raspolagati namirnicama.
Moja bi baka svaki put, kad bi razvukla tijesto za štrudlu ili štrukle, prije stavljanja nadjeva, obrezala deblje rubove tijesta.
To bi tijesto, dok se štrudla pekla, još jednom premijesila, premazala maslacem, posolila, preklopila na 3 dijela pa ponovno razvaljala.
Pekla bi ga nakon štrudle, na 180 °C, 30-ak minuta.
Hrskav, lagano lisnat, s finom aromom maslaca, ovaj bismo kolač, još topao, smazali u trenu.